Product Review: Elizabeth Arden Ceramide Capsules

How skin care savvy are you? Are you one of those people who scans product labels and searches it over the internet? I know how foreign these ingredients may sound, especially if you’re not into allied health sciences field. I’m a bit savvy when it comes to skin care! Who doesn’t right?? I mean, it’s the face… and it’s the first thing people would look to. If you’re as savvy as me, I’m sure you’re familiar with Peptides, Hyaluronic acid, Retinol, AHA which is derived from fruit and milk (i.e. Glycolic Acid), BHA which is salicylic acid, Ceramides and few more ingredients essential to skin care routines.

Also, I make sure to check the product label for harmful ingredients… especially SILICONE-DERIVED EMOLLIENTS, which is a BIG NO to my skin care. A few important NO-NO ingredients are Parabens, Formaldehyde (obviously!), Hydroquinone, Phthalates, Sodium Lauryl Sulfate which is an ether, Triclosan and a lot more. If you aren’t familiar with any of these and you wanted all the best for your skin, then, you’ve got to do some more reading! I’ve read so much about skin care (and I still feel it wasn’t enough), tried a lot, and attended a few beauty boot camps to know more about skin care. I guess, you’ll never really know everything, but at least I get to know what works for me right now and what would not.

I have proven how hyaluronic acid, retinols, AHAs and BHAs worked wonders for me before but haven’t tried any Ceramide products yet. It was just last month when I get to try this Elizabeth Arden Ceramide Capsules which I got from SampleRoomPH.

Product: Elizabeth Arden Ceramide Capsules
Price: Php 4,500 – Php 5,625 / 90 capsules
Where to buy?
Department stores where Elizabeth Arden counters are found (most likely Rustans)

According to, the following are the ingredients found in one capsule.

  • Ceramide 1 (strengthens, supports, firms the look of the stratum corneum and enhances hydration)
  • Ceramide 6 (a gentle Ceramide hydroxy acid, naturally exfoliates dead surface skin cells, increasing moisturization)
  • Essential Fatty Acids
  • Phytosphingosines
  • Borage Seed Extract
  • Retinyl Linoleate
  • Vitamin E

What is the benefits you’ll get in using this product?

  • Immediately smoothes and revitalizes the look of skin
  • Visibly improves skin tone and clarity
  • Supports skin’s natural collagen for a firmer look
  • Reduces the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles
  • Gives you skin that’s noticeably softer and smoother
  • Reduces roughness and dryness
  • Enhance your skin hydration for a fresh and balanced feel


What is Ceramide?

Ceramides are natural lipids and a major component in surface skin structure. They serve as part of the “glue” that holds surface skin cells together. Ceramides are naturally found in skin’s vulnerable outer layer and help skin retain moisture. When skin’s ceramide levels are low, skin has difficulty retaining moisture. Ceramides, fatty acids and cholesterol work together in the outermost layer of the epidermis called the stratum corneum to prevent moisture loss and keep skin moist and supple. Ceramides make up about 40% of the lipids in the stratum corneum. For those who aren’t familiar with the layers of epidermis… there is the stratum corneum, stratum lucidum, stratum granulosum, stratum spinosum and stratum basale (looked like I just had a review of my anatomy, lol!). So stratum corneum is the most outer layer which actually consists dead cells that are surrounded by lipids and contains keratin.

Unfortunately, ceramide levels decline with age. That’s one reason skin becomes drier as a person grows older. Harsh cleansers can disrupt ceramides and lipids, leading to dry skin, and some medications like cholesterol-lowering drugs alter ceramide and lipid levels in the outer layer of the epidermis. Diet plays a role too. Eating a diet that lacks essential fatty acids can disrupt skin’s natural barrier against moisture loss. A certain amount of dietary fat is important for healthy skin. Not surprisingly, people on very low fat diets often have dry, flaky skin due to loss of ceramides and other lipids that help skin retain water.

I’ve also read that ceramides may be useful in treating eczema and psoriasis. People who have eczema have fewer ceramides in the outer layer of their skin compared to people with normal skin. People with psoriasis also have deficiencies of some ceramides among the nine ceramides. Therefore, using products that contain ceramides may improve these conditions.


My Elizabeth Arden Ceramide Capsule Experience:

So I’ve got to try these capsules for FREE from SampleRoomPH. I tried it the night I got it. I was so excited! The fact that it’s an ELIZABETH ARDEN product made me go giddy to try it ASAP. Upon application, I instantly loved how lightweight and silky-smooth its consistency is. It was absorbed quickly and didn’t left any greasy feeling. I used it exactly for 3 nights and 2 days; and my skin felt so smooth, supple and glowing. It doesn’t actually leave a greasy feeling after application (even after a few hours), but my face became oilier during the day. I had to stop using it after 3 nights since I woke up with small pimple bumps! Oh no! Hello, breakout! I guess the product is really recommended for dry, aging skin and not for someone like me who has combination to oily face. Though, I heard this works fine with some people who has oily skin as well. I guess it’s really true when they say, “What works on you, might not work on me. And the other way around”.

So I’ve decided not to use it anymore as I’m afraid I might breakout more if I still continue consuming those 4 capsules left. But, instead of throwing this hella-luxurious product, my boyfriend had it! Yeah! It worked perfectly fine for him. He has a dry to normal skin and at his mid-30s already… so I guess, it kinda worked for him. No breakouts or whatsoever! He blushes and looks glowing upon using it.

So I guess, I still got a lot more ceramides in my skin, while someone who’s aging might have a decrease quantity of it already, thus needing this skin care products more than I do.

Remember, how my skin reacted with it might not be the case with you or any other person. Figuring out the best skin care routine is a trial and error process and you just need to know what works best for you and what doesn’t! 🙂 I hope this post didn’t made me sound geeky lol! And I know it’s quite long, so thank you for reading!

Drop some comments and let me know how it goes if you tried it already… or what’s your skin care routine!

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