Tag: dentalmedicine

  • Dentistry is an Art

    Dentistry is an Art

    I came across an article a few days ago saying that “Dentistry is an Art.” Before studying dentistry, I always thought that it would be easy and it’s just science. I thought all I have to do is drill the tooth, remove the infected/diseased part, then pack it with composite. I forgot about the part…

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  • Busy June and July

    Busy June and July

    Hi there! I haven’t posted a blog for a while because I’ve been busy with a lot of things since June. So, today the classes were suspended due to bad weather and I’ve decided to write a blog before doing my job. Anyhoo, here are the things that keep my mind running all day long……

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  • My First Ever Surgery (Dental Surgery)

    My First Ever Surgery (Dental Surgery)

    Today’s the fourth day after I had my first dental surgery. I have pending blog posts about my previous beauty boxes, but I was in pain for days already and I couldn’t think of blogging about it yet. Since this is my first ever surgery, I would want to share with everyone how it went.…

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